The Mental Fitness Workshop

The Mental Fitness Workshop provides a relaxed and interactive space in which to explore how we can positively impact our mental health in order to live the life we want to lead.

Most of us understand what it takes to become physically fit but have never been taught what we can do to improve our Mental Fitness.

To become physically fit we need to understand our physical make up, our backgrounds, our environment, and how the choices we make impact on our fitness - the same is true for our Mental Fitness

The Mental Fitness Workshop explores all these areas and more in order to take control of the things in our life we can control and let go of the things we can't.

Click below to explore your place
on the mental fitness spectrum and take the first step toward a healthier, more resilient mindset.

Mental Fitness

  • Superior emotional and social functioning
  • Ready for and energised by challenges
  • Mood resilient to acute stressors
  • Strong impulse control
  • Aware of emotions
  • Consistent sleep patterns
  • Motivational drive high
  • Leading others to achieve outstanding results
  • Anxiety control
  • Energised by work
  • Superior focus, problem solving, and memory
  • Self aware and able to reflect


  • High Social and emotional functioning
  • Mood recovers quickly from stress
  • Manages anxiety
  • Good impulse control
  • Normal sleep patterns
  • Physically well, full of energy
  • Consistent performance
  • Socially active
  • Ready and able to face work challenges
  • Enjoying work
  • Responsive to others
  • Patient
  • Flexible
  • Focus, memory and problem solving are high
  • Self aware


  • Impacted social and emotional functioning
  • Reactive to anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Sadness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Physically tired
  • Low motivation and energy
  • Muscle tension, headaches
  • Procrastination
  • Indecisiveness
  • Decreased social activity
  • Lowered resilience to daily stressors
  • Reactive to others
  • Some impulse control difficulties
  • Problem solving, focus and memory changeable


  • Impaired social and emotional functioning
  • Uncontrolled anxiety, anger
  • Pervasive sadness, hopelessness
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Physical fatigue, low pain threshold, aches and pains
  • Impaired problem solving, unable to focus, memory disruption
  • Decreased work performance
  • No enjoyment from work or hobbies
  • Social avoidance or withdrawal
  • Impulsive
  • Reactive or disinhibited
  • Using alcohol to cope
  • Self aware limited when distressed


  • Social and emotion dysfunction. Unable to function.
  • Excessive anxiety, depressed mood
  • Thoughts of self-harm or of harming others
  • Blunt, numb or highly reactive moods
  • Unable to fall or stay asleep
  • Exhaustion, physical illness
  • Unable to perform duties, absenteeism
  • Impaired cognitive functioning
  • Social isolation, avoiding others
  • Abuse of alcohol
  • Limited self awareness or insight

Building Mental Resilience and Fitness

The goal of The Mental Fitness Workshop's six powerful, stand-alone sessions, is to teach attendees a fundamental understanding of their own wellbeing. These programmes work together to create a comprehensive foundation for achieving mental fitness. These six hours sessions can also be tailored to your team's needs and offered in shorter sessions without compromising the richness of the content. Debunking the myth that there's "something wrong with us," participants will gain enlightening understanding of human nature and see that, in most cases, we have the power to select our responses and behaviours, which could result in a more fit and healthy way of living.

Session 1: I Am Whole?

This session explores how our health is interrelated and connected and that we have on a daily basis, the ability to take control of our health and fitness.

Benefit for employees:

  • Understanding the importance of looking after your whole health on a daily basis.
  • Realise how our health choices impact our mood both positively and negatively.
  • Discover our natural abilities to improve our motivation and productivity.

Following on from session two continue to uncover the options available to us to take control of our day-to-day life and consider what we lose and gain by the choices we make every day.

Benefit for employees:

  • Taking control of the things I can control for myself, places the power in my hands.
  • Understanding that I cannot change the things that are out of my control.
  • Learning to make choices which reduce my levels of stress.
Session 2: You always have a choice?
Session 3: Understanding Change & Grief

Grief arises from daily losses due to change. Everyone encounters this cycle, whether the loss is significant or minor. While we recognise grief over major events, we often overlook its impact on our daily lives and our responses to it. Understanding this helps us maintain control.

Benefit for employees:

  • Awareness of how daily changes impact us individually and as a team
  • Understand the power of our expectations and how they can impact upon those around us.
  • Conflict Resolution and working in teams.

Everyone faces anxiety. It’s a natural part of being human. Why do we feel fear or worry unexpectedly? We’ll examine how our life experiences shape a blueprint for our daily interactions and impact

Benefit for employees:

  • Gaining an understanding of self and how the past has shaped them.
  • Taking ownership for who they are now and a responsibility to make choices for themselves.
  • Realising that everybody else’s experience has brought them to their own individual space and that their perspective and experience is something to learn from and not a source of conflict.
Session 4: Understanding Anxiety 1
Session 5: Understanding Anxiety 2

Anxiety is a physical response to real or imagined situations. What happens in our bodies when our [] blueprints trigger this response? We’ll learn how understanding this can help us prepare for future occurrences.

Benefit for employees:

  • Develop a personal understanding of how they respond to stress or anxiety.
  • Understanding of the physiology of what is going on and begin to consider ways in which we have control of our responses.

We all live with anxiety – so how do we tackle it?
What tools can we use to address our biggest fears and phobias in order that we can live a fitter and healthier life?

Session 6: Learning to live with Anxiety

Have a question? Get in touch!

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© The Mental Fitness Company (Lincs) Limited 2024. All Rights Reserved. Registered in England. Company Number 15028495. Registered Address 19 Laceby Road, Grimsby, DN34 5BH